Privacy do-it-yourself (December 2020) :
By general technical level of December 2020, a Quantum-
Computer is able to crack a password within 90 seconds.
Not only this, this password may have a size with 400 places
and it will be de-ciphered within 90 seconds.
This would mean by 1 Personal Computer run by a private User,
this password may have a size of 140 Megabytes. It would then be
cracked after a runtime of 1 year by a Quantum-Computer.
Of course only, when there is no melt-down.
When then a private user wants to save his privacy with
data-security included and with only 1 password for a time-span
of 10 years... then this password would have to have
a size of 134 Terabytes.
( A Quantum-Computer makes progress too and is by every year
3 to 4 times faster than before at average.)
If every European Citizen would participate as user and create
such password for 10 years with a size of 134 Terabytes, then
total mass-surveillance with Quantum-Computers could
not happen.
(Addendum of April 2021)
After I had posted this before Christmas 2020, some Parlamentarians
in Brusselles wanted to prohibit encryption before Christmas 2020 seriously.
(Source : - search words : Verschlüsselung Verbot
then you see topic almost quite below :
"EU-Regierungen planen Verbot sicherer Verschlüsselung")
At same time the planned prohibition of encryption was given up again,
because one need to prohibit then the cracking of encryption too at same time.
This is generally a problem (or a bug or a feature ?), because encryption
as topic is always a paradoxon.
Then suddenly IT-experts agreed unisono together, that
passwords simply are "out", because they would be "too unsecure" (LOL).
By the way, described as here above, you can realize such passwords with Linux
and above all, these passwords are rather more secure than before - but it would
only work with Linux. This does not taste to some (or many ?), when
you cannot crack passwords any more ? Biometry as password has not to
really more secure then for IT-security. In reality biometry is not more
secure than a "normal" password.
Otherwise one would have to take more care of his or her own fingers
or of his or her eyes than before.
Is this more secure ?
It is fact, that high-ranking IT-experts have agreed, that this
traditional password of earlier days would be too unsecure. These
IT-experts refer rather to Windows-Systems. For Linux-systems you
cannot say the same.
With Linux there are no limits in reference to high-end-creation
of security.
The German Press did not mention this homepage
up to today. The reason is not known. Probably only few read this.